Saturday, December 06, 2008

Made in America

All of my artwork is original American Made.

My thanks to Michael Solomon who forwarded me this thoughtful article from the Christian Science Monitor:"It used to be that we made a lot of stuff: televisions, clothes, washing machines, radios, typewriters, shoes, telephones, and furniture. And we also used to make the stuff out of which stuff was made: steel, aluminum, plastic, rubber, glass, and electrical components. Today that's largely made overseas. They send us their stuff and we send them our money.It also used to be that Americans liked to make stuff. Think of all the things Thomas Edison invented. Or consider Henry Ford, who made the car affordable, perfected the assembly line, and paid workers a decent wage. Countless others, such as my grandfather, worked as toolmakers and machinists because they liked to work with their hands. Today we rely on people around the world to do that innovation for us."What's up with this? Aren't you making "stuff?" Yes, I know YOU are, but one of the reasons art fairs are so popular with the public is because they all have stopped doing things with their hands. How many times has someone stood in your booth and envied you your creativity and wished to be standing in your shoes? Lots.How are you feeling about creativity? In what other country would you have this opportunity to stand in the streets on weekends and have people tell you how wonderful your work is?"Today's schools must help teach our young people the value of manual labor and help us take advantage of the greatest place to be for innovation. A Japanese neighbor visiting a US factory told me once that he envied Americans because they did not accept cultural limitations in improving the way something is made. He said that you could never go against the grain like that in Japan."Need some food for thought? (I know you had enough food over the last week) Read the rest of the article at the Christian Science Monitor.
Tags: creativity

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