Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What to do when self doubt hits you as an artist.

A Day in the life of am artist: Some days you wake up just full of ideas and can not wait to get the studio, but what about the days when you feel like a failure and have tons of self doubt? We all have days like that. It doesn't mean anything it is your mind trying to work out problems. You must keep going keep painting.

I keep a little note book where I have 10 ideas for each of the 31 days that could be in a month. If I have one of those dull gray days in my head I pick up the book take one of the idea and run with it. It doesn't matter if I feel like painting that idea I just do it. I get moving I become the object in motion.

My ideas are simple in the book just one or two words to leave lots of room for inspiration and imagination.

Here are the ones I have for today if I should need them:
 1. Crow
4.Still Life
7. Long legged birds
8. Cow
9.Palette Knife
 10. Transportation

 So as you can see ; when you start to doubt yourself just keep moving. I suggest that today you get a small notebook and number off 31 pages putting 1-10 on each page and as ideas come to you write them down. When you hit one of those self doubt days where you just don't feel that anyone cares about your art, get your brushes out go to your happy place and paint. Just stick to it.

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