Monday, June 09, 2008

The Willow

The Willow
As a landscape artist, I find inspiration everywhere, especially in spring when everything starts to bloom. A robin looking for worms, a bee exploring the new blooms, and a squirrel looking for where it buried nuts last fall. All of this inspire me. The about movement, color,life and form all in nature. Dappled light across a path, water sparkling in the sunlight, the long purple shadows of trees at dusk, and the first rays of sunlight in the trees at dawn often make me rush to pick up my paintbrush. Sunset are easier to paint then then sun rise because the light last longer in the evening. In the morning you have to be quick with a brush to get the light before it is gone.I sit on the hill overlooking a pond with a willow tree, watching as the rain clouds threaten to drench me.The morning is gray with out sun and heavy ready to rain, I hope to finish a painting before it starts. I settle down to the work of making value sketches and thumbnails before I put paint to canvas.What color will I use to depict this gray dull day? Gray,dull blue, purple blue that leans toward gray and something a little warmer near the horizon?How will I make the water in my painting ? It is so dark it looks almost black, reflecting the gray of the day. How can I best convey mood of the day? There is no reflections of the willow trees on this gray day.The pond is a murky mirrors at best.I return again to paint this on a day when there is sunshine. The rain starts and water and oil are not friends, It is time to pack up and try again on another day.The beautiful landscapes that inspire my paintings will still be there.

Home Page Art by Delilah =

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