Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Creat a More Interesting Vision of your artwork

As the New year really get going I am slowing down taking time to enjoy the simple things.There's something to be said for putting your feet up with a good book and a cup of coffee while the evening drifts away. I have a long reading list for this year and I will be sharing some of with you. Just some things to think about.

Today I am going over some ways to make you artwork more interesting.

1. Set up five recent paintings. Study them carefully.

2.Put them in order beginning with your favorite to your least favorite.

3. What are the qualities that you really like in your favorite painting? Why?

4.What are some things you do not like about your least favorite painting?

5. What in each of the others could you alter so that it would have more of the qualities that are in the one you like best?

What can you do specifically to numbers 2,3,4, and 5 to make them better?

Start by asking yourself Why? and How?

1. Why do I paint this subject?

2.Why did I paint it this way?

3.Why should anybody care?

4. How could I do it better?

5.How could I do it differently?

6. How could I do it better?

7. How could I make it simples?

8. How could I make it more powerful?

" POST YOUR OPINIONS IN THE COMMENTS" or email me at delilah@artbydelilah.comHome Page Art by Delilah = http://www.artbydelilah.com


Jacqueline said...

This sounds like a great exercise and a good goal to make all our paintings as good as number 1!

Delilah said...

Thank Jacqueline.